Lions mane’s white cascading body bears a striking resemblance to the mane of a lion, giving it its name. A wonder mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in traditional herbal medicine and in modern times revered for its many health benefits, specifically that of its nootropic qualities (a remedy used to enhance memory and cognitive function).
Brain Function:
Lion's Mane mushroom is known for its ability to improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration. It contains compounds called hericenones and erinacines, which promote the growth of new neurons in the brain and protect existing ones from damage. Due to these incredible nootropic benefits it’s been known to potentially aid patients who are suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington disease.
Anxiety and Depression:
Hericenones and Erinacines, found in Lions Mane, have also been shown to have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. It has been shown that it may regulate the levels of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, and improve the function of the Hippocampus which is associated with mood regulation.
Immune System:
Lion's Mane mushroom contains beta-glucans, which are known for their ability to support the immune system. Beta-glucans stimulate the production of white blood cells, which fight off infections and diseases. In addition to this, Lion's Mane contains anti-inflammatory compounds may help reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Digestive Health:
Lion's Mane mushroom contains prebiotics which feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. This can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation in the gut, and support overall digestive health.
Below are some articles we found and love about Lions Mane:
Health line lists the potential benefits of consuming Lions Mane
Article by university of QLD outlining the Nootropic qualities of Lions Mane
These two article outlines Lions Mane effect on Cognition and Alzheimer’s disease:
Two articles that outline Lions Mane’s ability to produce anti-depressant like effects :
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